Well, did any of you actually see anything when we had the solar eclipse on the 20th March? I was working from home that day and noticed that it got a bit darker for a while – that’s what low cloud will give you.
I did have Stargazing Live running on my laptop (click here to watch it on iPlayer) so was able to see footage from the plane flying above the Faroe Islands which was pretty dramatic. Here are a few images from the BBC including the “diamond ring” below. You can see exactly why it’s called that.
The one below, taken in Cheshire, is more the kind of thing we’d have seen from the ground (can you see it right in the middle of the picture?) and reminds me of the one I saw and photographed in London in the 1990s (pre-digital camera). Eerie is the right word for it: it gets colder and the birds go quiet; I can imagine how terrifying it must have been before we humans discovered the science behind it.
This image above from the NASA Goddard space flight centre is really dramatic.
The whole event was really inspirational for me and has become another strand feeding into my visual vocabulary.
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