Have you noticed that more people want their work to have meaning? I’ve come across an increasing number of people who have decided to leave their regular jobs and move into something more fulfilling. I for one have never wanted to be one of those people who looks back at the end of their life and says ” I wish I’d gone for that opportunity…”
Alastair Sloan worked in marketing before starting the Living Furniture Project which combines the production of bespoke furniture from established designers and employment for homeless people. I met him at the May Design Series where he was showing some of their first pieces and learnt about their mission.
It’s important for me that the product speaks first with the story coming later. That’s the case here. I stopped to look as I was intrigued by what I saw and then the background drew me in further. I can personally vouch that the making and finishing is good as I had a thorough check – the sewing skills on the cushion covers below are impressive – you need a lot of practice to get piping right. Get a more regular cushion pad and you’re away.
Prices are deliberately very reasonable as they want a quick turnover. Why not visit the website to find out about commissioning your own furniture or soft furnishings before just buying something mass-produced. It’s nowhere near as expensive as you might think.
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