It’s always interesting to visit The Other Art Fair at Victoria House in Holborn though I did rush round as I’m really focussed on my preparations for The Other Art Fair in Brooklyn in a few weeks.
Anyway, here are a few images of work worth mentioning:
Hanna ten Doornkaat showed some more architectural pieces this time in addition to her normal wall paintings
and Ian Rayer-Smith showed these two exuberant abstract paintings in addition to some smaller work
Anita Rozentale came over from Latvia; the fact that I lent her my print browser didn’t influence my interest in her work. Reflections meant I couldn’t photograph her pictures full-on though so visit her website for more info.
Mark Charlton has developed new work that is more surface and texture-driven; these almost feel as if they’ve been lifted from buildings.
Paul West ‘s Northumbrian charcoal landscapes still impress,
while Sarah Jeffrey showed a collection of paintings and ceramics with a lovely chalky mid-century sensibility.