It’s unusual for the smell of cigars to be one’s first impression when entering a London hotel but that was mine when visiting the Wellesley. A warm evening meant that the windows and doors were open, allowing the scent to pervade the entire area.Boasting what is probably the largest humidor in Europe this place glories in the high-rolling cigar experience, with both indoor and outdoor smoking areas at the very front of the hotel.
To counterbalance all that masculinity the dining rooms are a delicate Art Deco confection of crystal, mirrors, curves and dragée pinkLook at the view from one of the suites. Admittedly guests here are unlikely to try crossing the road into Hyde Park on foot.
Blessedly sound-proofed, the Wellesley suite demonstrates silver-screen glamour and opulence with an extremely high level of detailing, just the ticket for the newest boutique hotel off Hyde Park Corner.
Even padded walls in the cocoon-like bedroom. It really is an exclusive escape from the crowds outside.
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