Perhaps, like me, you have passed this shop in Covent Garden and never gone in. I’d always see Arthur Beale from the bus or my bike and wondered how it happened to be there. As I needed to source some rope for a project I finally visited and was charmed by what I found.
In existence since the 16th Century, Arthur Beale supplies rope for sailing, climbing and any other purpose of your choice. Threatened with closure, it was rescued last year by Alasdair Flint and Gerry Jeatt and can now look forward to a bright future under their guidance with events and talks as well as fabulous products.
Steve, one of the team, gave me the information I needed and encouraged me to have a good nosey around. You can get anything you need for a sailing boat: in addition to different types of rope there are brass fixtures and fittings, paint and navigational equipment then clothing and books upstairs. There’s plenty here for non-sailors too – who doesn’t want a genuine matelot top or rope keyring?
Thanks to Bea Turner for the photos as I didn’t take any whilst in the shop.
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