The Whitechapel Open claims to represent the most exuberant and radical art currently existing in London so is always worth a look. I found it as ever quite a mix which is, I’m sure, part of the point.
The pure beauty and implicit danger of “It’s All Good Fun” by Ben Woodeson is one of the first things you see upon entering. Other artists I noted, in no particular order, include
Alexander Duncan with an eroded foam debris piece lying like some crouching beached sea monster. From a distance it looks just like a bunch of pebbles but close up you see more.Sometimes it was the connection of title and image that was so apt and multi-layered: in this case “Rise Up You Are Free” by Dominic Hawgood.
And, last here, a still from one of 3 pieces on display by another Dominic, Watson this time, who made me laugh as, amongst other things, he’s being very silly, a quality lacking in much of contemporary life. This is from “Like a Rolling Stone” . Other pieces on show were “Studio Practice” and “Are You Not Entertained?”. I recommend watching them on Vimeo if you can.More to follow…
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