Previous attempts to visit Arthouse1 had been foiled so I was please to finally get there for this show. A sense of understatement connected the artists; no shouty shoutiness or “hey, look at me!”. This was all confident and assured. All you need to do is look and you will be rewarded.
Hanna ten Doornkaat has been featured by me before: her densely-marked and layered panels come in carefully composed groupings or as single pieces which demand to be examined over time.
I’ve long been an admirer of Annamarie Dzendrowskyj’s hazy indeterminate painting which she’s now developed into even more ethereal explorations on silk organza. My camera couldn’t capture the movement so you’ll have to trust me on this.
Sinta Werner’s art was new to me: her interventions are delicate and subtle, some literally hidden in corners.
It was difficult to see what was shadow and what was painted.
Her photos also played with the distortion of spatial relationships.