Sam Burford explores the decomposition of space time into three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time, his work deconstructing film and cinematic imagery into tangible imagery.This show at Fiumano Projects runs till 13th November.
Delve in – the titles provide clues.
Viewing the three-dimensional representation of a filmed scene is a strangely absorbing experience.
I found a lot of humour in addition to the almost scientific analysis; in addition to the art, Sam is currently undertaking doctoral research into the subject, building on his experience working in film and TV production.
Dinosaur, below, is a multi-sensory experience: a DVD disc of Jurassic Park clatters about on a base from the loud sound vibrations of the advancing Tyrannosaurus footsteps (remember that scene with the glass of water?) projecting images and film imagery on the wall of a darkened room.
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