We all know that our environment affects our behaviour and even our thinking. In the past I have admired John Pawson’s work without properly engaging with it. I’m still not sure I’d be able to live in one of his buildings full-time without changing my lifestyle quite drastically but I now have a much deeper appreciation of his design purpose. Learning about his work for the cistercian monks with their very specific brief and sitting in the 1:1 model room in the show gave me a great feeling of peace. His emphasis on the quality of light and purity is an essential element for the tranquillity reflection and meditation in these spaces.
Please see some images below which may give some impression of what I’m talking about.
Another work shown is a simple and sensual bridge for Kew Gardens as well as shops that we may have visited without fully appreciating them: Calvin Klein and Jigsaw stores.
Interestingly he has also worked on several unrealised projects with Karl Lagerfeld: not an obvious combination of client and architect.
If ever there is an exhibition to lower your blood pressure then this is it. Even looking at these photos sooths me.
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