It can be difficult to explain the fascination some of us have with paint: its intrinsic qualities and the infinite ways it can be manipulated.
Callum Innes is an artist who explores paint, specifically oil paint. Does there need to be more to it than that? This is an example where words, at least for me, are inadequate.
His current exhibition at Frith Street Gallery shows a new series where the subtleties reveal themselves slowly. Look at the paint extending over the side on one part.
Brushstrokes are visible horizontally with paint dripping down then there’s a change to the vertical. Or is it the other way around? You have to look hard to decide.
See contrast on the darker side: a clean edge with the underlying colour visible in flashes and shadows.
Just stand and look. Then tell me, can you describe what do you feel? I can’t. Isn’t that the point?