Another Tate exhibition I visited before our current lock-down was Bruce Nauman at Tate Modern. I’ve been determined to see as much as possible whenever permitted and the galleries I’m a member of tend to have taken priority.
As usual I can only mention a fraction of pieces on show so here goes.
Whilst focussing on the neon works in this post I couldn’t resist including this sculpture, A Cast of the Space Under My Chair from 1965-8. Remind you of anyone? It’s interesting to see how Rachel Whiteread has developed this concept to make it her own.

So, onto a couple of neon works which I think are pretty self-explanatory. Eat/Death – 1972.

One Hundred Live And Die, from 1984. This has a sequence of single sentences lighting up, then pairs, before the columns and the final piece. It’s quite mesmeric yet unsettling too with the ominous sound of electrical current in the background.