Here are a few more photos from A World in Common: Contemporary African Photography currently at Tate Modern.
The studio shots above are by Ruth Ginika Ossai. Her sitters choose which backdrop they want from her stock inspired by Nollywood films or Igbo gospel music videos. I loved the streetwise posed teenage boys in front of grazing cows.
Hassan Hajjaj photographs cool Islamic women in his Kesh Angels (named after Hell’s Angels and Marrakesh’s motorbike culture) series, celebrating their independence and individuality. Brightly coloured food cans in frames add more decoration completing the sense of joy and inventiveness of street fashion.
A completely different mood is captured in these images from the Un Regard series by Kiripi Katembo. Photos of Kinshasa taken in pools of water and reversed turn an everyday street scene into a dreamlike vision.
The Prophecy series by Fabrice Monteiro captures the environmental degradation so visible in communities in Dakar, Senegal.