There’s nothing quite like visiting another artist’s studio to get an insight into their work so I make the most of open studios whenever I can.
I finally got to visit Kingsgate Workshops , workspace to a range of artists and makers and met Anne Leigniel there.
The viewpoint of an artist towards their subject and how they explore their particular project always intrigues me. Her work spans drawing, photography, video and installation so please visit her website as there’s too much to cover here. The drawings were the first thing I saw and, before I start , all photos here are from her website as I didn’t take any shots during our conversation.
For her insect drawings she painted four large sheets of plastic in a field and left them overnight.
Upon returning in the morning insects had traced paths in the dew, adding their own marks to hers.
The results remind me of maps and mountain landscapes seen from the air.
Other drawings include pebbles, ochre drawings using an imaginary language
and drawings of journeys – this is of the 52 Bus, Chesterton Road to High St Kensington, London.
I now wish I had taken photos in her studio but am due to send her one of my painting rags for another long-running project so expect to see her again fairly soon.